Compute properties when possible

Computed (or Derived) properties are properties that don't store values in memory, but return values when they are called by reading values from other properties or functions.


  • Computed properties are easy to reason about. The relationships between properties are explicit and the ‘recipe’ for creating the property can be seen in the code where its method exists.
  • There are less properties to set, so no bugs are created as a consequence of forgetting to do that.
  • Computed properties lend themselves well to unit testing by having pre-defined inputs, which increases confidence in the code.
  • When upstream data changes, dependent downstream computed data will automatically be set into the correct state.


The following properties can be converted to computed properties:

Properties that rely on bringing together more than one property to return a value.

In this example, the 'fullName' property relies on firstName and lastName to return a value.

class User {
  constructor(firstName, lastName) {
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;
    this.fullName = `${firstName} ${lastName}`;

Which should be computed to produce an output:

class User {
  constructor(firstName, lastName) {
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;
  get fullName() {
    // Computed property
    return `${this.firstname} ${this.lastName}`;

Properties that are transformed before they are saved

Properties that are adjusted before they are saved on a write:

class Product {
  setWeight(weightInGrams) {
    this.weightInGrams = weightInGrams;
    this.weightInKg = convertToKg(weightInGrams);
    this.weightInPounds = convertToPounds(weightInGrams);

Should instead become properties that are computed on read:

class Product {
  setWeight(weightInGrams) {
    this.weightInGrams = weightInGrams;
  get weightInKg() {
    return convertToKg(this.weightInGrams);
  get weightInPounds() {
    return convertToPounds(this.weightInGrams);


  • When performance is critical. Computed properties are slower to access than values directly stored in memory.
